Helpful Links:
Life Insurance
A Shopper's Guide for LTC Insurance (PDF)
The Basics of LTC Insurance (PDF)
Excellent Kiplinger Video on Long Term Care Insurance
What Medicare Says About Long-term Care: This is an excellent government site
Medicaid Eligibility (for those without assets)
What does Long Term Care Cost where you live? (PDF)
Click here if you need to find services for a loved one: home care, assisted living, nursing, or Alzheimer care.
"Shopping for long term care insurance is like going to the dentist. It's not something I like doing, but the alternative could be worse" - a 69 year old client, West Texas
P.O. Box 8204
The Woodlands, Texas 77387
Toll Free 877-315-5967
Office 281-296-8343 info@LongTermCareAmerica.com
Texas License: 1216895
California License: 0C07893
Kate's Message
An old roommate, whom I had not seen in many years, sent me a message. Kate is one of the kindest people I know. She is one of those people who you can trust without reservation. In her message she summed up long term care better than I ever could:
“Allen, I just went to your website and saw about your work. Both of my parents needed long term care and we didn't have insurance for them. My dad just died of Parkinson's after 10 YEARS needing intensive personal care. Now my mom has vascular dementia and is getting long term care at a private home for $6500 a month and THAT is... down from $8100 per month she was paying. We are using her assets and a low interest credit line on her house to pay for it for the next few years until we have to sell her house at which time we'll have money to care for her for another few years. If she doesn't die within 5-7 years she'll have to go to a state run facility. All this to say - I WISH WE HAD HAD LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE OR HAD KNOWN ABOUT IT! Thanks for your work, Allen. You are really doing something great with your life.”
Long term care insurance is not for everyone,
but I know that, with a little planning, life can be much better for
the survivors of long term care. Thank you Kate for your message.