Helpful Links:
Life Insurance
A Shopper's Guide for LTC Insurance (PDF)
The Basics of LTC Insurance (PDF)
Excellent Kiplinger Video on Long Term Care Insurance
What Medicare Says About Long-term Care: This is an excellent government site
Medicaid Eligibility (for those without assets)
What does Long Term Care Cost where you live? (PDF)
Click here if you need to find services for a loved one: home care, assisted living, nursing, or Alzheimer care.
"Shopping for long term care insurance is like going to the dentist. It's not something I like doing, but the alternative could be worse" - a 69 year old client, West Texas
P.O. Box 8204
The Woodlands, Texas 77387
Toll Free 877-315-5967
Office 281-296-8343 info@LongTermCareAmerica.com
Texas License: 1216895
California License: 0C07893
How much does long term care insurance cost?
At this point you probably know if long term care insurance is something that you are interested in. The next obvious question is, “How much is this going to cost me?”
The cost depends on your health and age when buying the
policy. Figure anywhere from $50 to $400 or more a month depending on
age, health, and what you want your policy to cover. Most people
around 60 years of age in decent health can purchase a very good policy
for around $250 a month. That same policy for someone 45 would be
less than $150 a month. (Click here to see a sample quote.)
If you are very wealthy and can absorb some of the risk yourself,
design a policy to that covers some of your long term care. If
you are, say
60 and on a
fixed income with very little savings, try to design a policy that is
affordable AND does not force you to have a lot of out-of-pocket
expenses. If you live in a rural area, the cost of
care may be very different than if you live in the city. If you
are in
your, say seventies, in poor health, and want a policy that returns all
of your premiums at death, you will pay a lot more than the same
person buying that same policy at
age forty-five. Also, some policies are better than others and
this effects the price as well. Click this link and we will
send you a quote within two business days or click here to understand the basic components of a long term care insurance policy.
Also, some people are now looking at combination products. These
are life insurance and annuities products with long term care coverage
built in
to the policy. These are great products for those who have at
least $100,000 that they can set aside for long term care. These
are not for those who will need access (with the exception of long term
care) to these funds at a later time.
Long term care insurance policies are very different within and between companies and companies too are different. There is a big difference between a mediocre long-term care policy and a robust one. Find a good company and then design the best policy possible based on a premium that is affordable.